Ray Brock Automotive Scholarship

Mr. Brock is a life-long car enthusiast and expert mechanic. He has established an endowed scholarship for students pursuing a career in Automotive Technology to support their efforts and to affirm his lasting legacy in the automotive industry. Applicants must demonstrate a sincere commitment to pursue a career in the automotive industry as demonstrated by the scholastic performance, work experience, or essay question. Scholarships will be awarded as follows:

- This fund will provide up to five (5) $500 scholarships to students who are *NOT *in the final semester of the degree or certificate program in Automotive Technology.
- This fund will provide up to six (6) personalized starter mechanic’s tool kits, not to exceed a total value of $1,250- for completing students. Must be in the final semester to graduate with a degree or certificate in Automotive Technology. *Toolkit awarded upon verification of certificate or graduation. *

$500 to $1,250
Supplemental Questions
  1. Describe your automotive career goals or work experience, and why you believe you qualify for this scholarship.
  2. Are you expected to complete your Automotive Technology degree or certificate program this semester?